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Complete Path to JavaScript Mastery
Introduction to the Course
Introduction to the Course (1:58)
Where are the projects? (1:59)
Access to a Private 24/7 Community
Environment Setup (3:40)
Visual Studio Code (3:08)
Visual Studio Code Extensions (1:55)
Our Workflow (3:53)
The Complete Path to JavaScript Mastery eBook
Variables and Data Types
Variables Intro (4:33)
Variables (7:11)
Data Types (1:52)
Comments (5:12)
Strings (7:10)
Numbers (5:00)
Booleans (4:09)
Null and Undefined (4:48)
Objects (5:11)
Statically vs Dynamically Typed Languages (3:22)
Variables and Data Types Quiz
Operators and Equality
Arithmetic Operators (7:59)
Operators Intro (1:00)
Comparison Operators and Equality (7:05)
Strict vs Loose Equality (8:52)
Logical Operators Part 1 (4:49)
Assignment Operators (2:58)
Operators and Equality Quiz
Logic and Control Flow
Intro to Logic and Control Flow Intro (0:40)
If Statement (5:13)
Truthy & Falsy Values (9:22)
Logical Operators Part 2 (12:05)
Switch Statement (7:34)
Ternary Operator (4:23)
Looping - While and For Loops (10:07)
Truthy & Falsy Quiz
Functions Intro (9:19)
Declaring and Invoking Functions (6:51)
Function Return (4:10)
Arrow Functions (6:30)
Parameters vs Arguments (6:07)
Tricky Parts
Tricky Parts Intro (0:47)
Scope (13:40)
Hoisting (8:29)
Closures (10:02)
Strings in Detail
Strings Intro (7:45)
String Length and Basic Properties (3:55)
Change String Case (2:51)
Searching for a Substring (9:08)
Getting a Substring (2:29)
Split a String (3:02)
Reverse, Repeat and Trim a String (5:16)
String Exercise (3:16)
String Exercise Solution (4:24)
Arrays in Detail
Arrays Intro (7:09)
Array Methods (13:47)
Array ForEach (8:39)
Array Map (4:30)
Array Filter (11:14)
Array Find (4:18)
Array Includes (6:26)
Array Sort (5:42)
Array Some and Every (4:20)
Array Reduce (9:27)
Objects in Detail
Objects Intro (5:30)
Accessing, Adding and Updating Properties of an Object (6:48)
Built in Methods (4:55)
Methods (9:26)
Value vs Reference
Value vs Reference Intro (6:39)
Value vs Reference Explanation (4:20)
Shallow Cloning (8:18)
Deep Cloning (6:49)
DOM - Document Object Model
Intro to DOM (3:33)
Selecting Elements (6:56)
Elements Properties and Methods (6:54)
Working with Classes (5:15)
Creating, Traversing and Removing Nodes (6:41)
Classes, "this" and "new" Keywords
The "new" Keyword (7:51)
The "this" Keyword (8:24)
Classes (8:26)
Asynchronous JavaScript
Intervals and Timers (6:11)
Introduction to Asynchronous JavaScript (6:23)
Callbacks (8:25)
"Callback Hell" (9:02)
Promises (10:11)
Async/Await (8:46)
Bonus: Understanding the Event Loop
Bonus: API Data Fetching Project
Modern JavaScript from ES6 to ES2020
Modern JavaScript Intro & Recap (9:27)
Module Imports and Exports (7:30)
Rest and Spread Operators (6:46)
Object and Array Destructuring (9:13)
Next Steps
Learning Frontend
Learning Backend
Additional Resources
The Ultimate JavaScript Cheatsheet
Additional Learning + Exercises
Modern JavaScript Intro & Recap
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